4 <2016-09-26 Mon> |
Add a member function, norm , to the vector class |
discussed in the C++ guide. The function should |
have the signature: |
double norm(double p); |
and should implement the vector p-norm. The function |
would be then called like: |
x.norm(1.53); |
where x is a vector object. Write a test script |
that loops through values of p=1, 1.1, ..., 1.9, 2 |
and for each value of p , prints the average p-norm |
of 100 vectors of length 10 whose components are |
uniform random on [0,1] (see the C++ guide section |
on generating random numbers). |
5 <2016-10-03 Mon> |
Extend the vector class given in the guide, by |
adding functions dot , operator+ , operator- , |
and operator== . Implement these as friend |
functions. |
dot should implement the inner product between |
two vectors, x and y , while operator+ and |
operator- should implement component-wise addition |
and subtraction. |
The behavior of operator== should be |
such that x==y returns true for vectors if |
abs(x[i]-y[i]) < 1e-10 |
for all the components of the vectors, x and y . |
7 <2016-10-17 Mon> |
Write a squarematrix class that inherits from the |
matrix template class. The constructor should only |
accept a single argument to create the matrix, rather |
than two like the normal matrix class. |
Add a member function, unique to the squarematrix |
class, that computes the matrix determinant |
recursively using the Laplace expansion. Test your |
algorithm on square matrices, \(A \in R^{n \times n}\), |
where \(A_{ij} = ni + j\), where \(i=0,\ldots,n-1\) and |
\(j=0,\ldots,n-1\) for \(n=2,3,\ldots,100\). |