10 FREE Python Libraries for Mathematical and Scientific Computing that will TOTALLY SHOCK you

Matt Hancock, mhancock@math.fsu.edu

Why Python?

  • Interpreted, object-oriented, general purpose language
  • Syntax emphasizes readability
  • Interactive environments make it ideal for prototyping
  • Big standard library included (text manipulation, file I/O, etc.)
  • Large, active development community for other libraries (math, science, database mgmt, web development, etc.)
  • C / C++ / Fortran extensions possible
  • Runs on most Operating Systems
  • Free to use! Free to modify and redistribute!

See: Python beginner's guide

Rough outline

  1. Python basics: writing / running code, environments, etc.
  2. The Holy Trinity: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib
  3. Specialized libraries for math/science

Getting started

  • Download and install python
  • Options for running code:
    1. Write script first, and then execute it from a terminal; or,
    2. Execute scripts/commands from interactive console or GUI.

Running a script from terminal

Create new file, collatz.py:

Running a script from terminal

Interactive console: IPython

Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Spyder


  • Multidimensional array objects of various data types (floating point, integer, bool, etc.)
  • Array slicing / broadcasting
  • Linear algebra (basic ones), Fourier transform, random number generation tools
  • Tools for integrating Fortran code
  • NumPy guide for Matlab users

NumPy example


  • scipy.cluster - Hierarchical clustering
  • scipy.integrate - Integration (uni- and multi-dimensional) and ODE solvers
  • scipy.interpolate - Interpolation (uni- and multi-dimensional, splines, etc.)
  • scipy.io - Various file readers / writers (including Matlab format)
  • scipy.linalg - Linear algebra routines
  • scipy.ndimage - Image processing routines (filters, interpolation, i/o, morphology, etc.)
  • scipy.optimize - Optimization (too many methods to list!)
  • scipy.signal - DSP routines (filters, wavelets, spectrogram analysis)
  • scipy.sparse - Sparse matrix data structures and graph routines
  • scipy.special - Various special functions (Bessel functions, orthogonal polynomials, etc.)
  • scipy.stats - Statistical tests, pdf parameter fitting, Gaussian KDE, etc.
  • 2D / 3D plotting
  • Renders $\rm\LaTeX$
  • Animation writers - gif / mpeg
  • Interactive GUI stuff - sliders, buttons, etc.

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: pylidc

Source: pylidc

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Source: Matplotlib gallery

Compiling Python code to C - Cython

  • Involves typing variables and function return types / arguments
  • Sometimes useful to speed up code after it has been prototyped in Python
  • Must be careful to type *all* variables, or code may still be slow

Cython example

File: ip_slow.py

Cython example

File: ip_cython.pyx

Cython example

Compiling the ".pyx" Cython file to C:

# Creates ip_cython.c file.
cython ip_cython.pyx 

# Creates ".so" file that can be imported as Python module.
gcc -shared -pthread -fPIC -fwrapv -O2 -Wall \
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/include/python2.7 \
-o ip_cython.so ip_cython.c 

Cython example

$\approx$ 10x speed up (for contrived example)!

Calling Fortran from Python - f2py

  • Utility that comes packaged with NumPy
  • Creates Python wrappers for Fortran modules/subroutines/functions
  • Numerical variables / NumPy arrays are passed through Python wrapper function to Fortran routines where treated as native Fortran objects

f2py example

File: ip_fortran.f90

f2py -c -m ip_fortran ip_fortran.f90

f2py example

Machine learning - Scikit-learn

aka "sklearn"

Sklearn example - classification with SVM

File: sklearn-example.py

Sklearn example - classification with SVM

python ./sklearn-example.py

Symbolic Math - SymPy

  • Used by Sage Math
  • Calculus
  • Combinatorics
  • Equation solving
  • Polynomials

Sympy example

Symbolic computation chains, symbolic differentiation, CPU/GPU compilation - Theano

  • Create computation chains symbolically
  • Symbolic differentiation
  • Compiles symbolic Python computation chains to CPU/GPU code
  • Used a lot by neural network / "deep learning" folks, but not a neural-network specific library, e.g. Caffe

Matrix multiplication - Theano vs. Numpy / GPU vs. CPU

Theano example - grad. descent with symbolic gradient computation

$$ \text{Solve:} \;\; \min_a SSE := \min_a \sum_i (y_i - ax_i^2)^2 $$ $$ a_{n+1} \leftarrow a_n - \left. \frac{d SSE}{da} \right|_{a = a_n} $$

Theano example - grad. descent with symbolic gradient computation

File: theano_regression.py

Theano example - grad. descent with symbolic gradient computation

  • More advanced image-processing methods (than, e.g., scipy.ndimage
  • Low-level ops: exposure, histogram equalization, edge detection
  • Mesh generation: marching cubes
  • Object detection: Hough transforms, corner/blob detection, template matching
  • Gabor filtering / texture analysis
  • Lots of filtering: deconvolution, denoising, in-painting
  • Segmentation: active contours, random walker, watershed, otsu thresholding

  • Generated using skimage's marching cubes method on boolean volume.
  • Meshed surface plotted using Matplotlib

Honorable mentions

  • Pandas - data structures and analysis
  • Pydicom - DICOM (standard medical image format) file parser
  • Tensor flow - Google's machine learning library
  • Keras - Neural network library that uses either Theano or Tensorflow
  • Mayavi - True 3d visualization library, built on VTK
  • SQLAlchemy - Object relational mapper for mapping Python object attributes to SQL databases
  • Django - Web development framework
  • Jinja - Templating engine, used by Mozilla, SourceForge, Instagram, NPR

The End

Go forth, and use Python.